STRESS RESPONSE SYNDROMES: PTSD, Grief, Adjustment, and Dissociative Disorders, Fifth Edition  


The first edition of this now classic work provided the basis for adding post traumatic stress disorders to diagnoses of
mental conditions. Each subsequent edition added new understanding, summaries of empirical new research, and new
guides for clinicians. The thoroughly revised fifth edition accords to changes that will be made in DSM-5 and gives the
reasons for symptom formation and how treatment can not only resolve symptoms but lead to post-traumatic growth that
leads to a more coherent sense of identity and renewed capacities for connecting compassionately with others. Stress
Response Syndromes takes the reader from surface to depth with many lucid case examples and how-to-do-it advice for both
trainees and experienced clinicians.

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Assessment-Based Treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorders is the newest work from Mardi Horowitz, M.D., the clinical researcher largely responsible for modern concepts of posttraumatic stress disorder (PSTD).

In this manual, Dr. Horowitz discusses the latest strategies for treating PTSD. The core ideas found here are contained in the fifth edition of Stress Response Syndromes, which will be published in 2011.

This work is written for Clinicians, and Dept.of Defense and VA professionals, who work with patients experiencing the effects of loss, trauma, and terror, and will find it to be of great practical value. Highlights include:

* Thoughts and emotional experiences commonly caught up in processing the memories of traumatic events

* Techniques for initial assessment, establishing supportive frameworks, exploring meanings, and improving coping skills

* Updated approach based on more complex symptom clusters and syndromes

* Use a treatment approach that shifts as the patient changes

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Grieving As Well As Possible is a guide that will aid the grieving process, for confidants and helpers to the bereaved, and, for those who have suffered a serious loss, including the death of a loved one, divorce, loss of a home, or sudden disability. Because knowing what to expect can reduce a sense of helplessness, this book is about what such a passage may include, with many examples and insightful "how to" advice. A practical guide for encouraging grief’s flow and embracing a more contented life.

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THIS WORK WAS PUBLISHED IN 2009 BY PENGUIN, TARCHER GROUP. It is for a nonprofessional, general audience and will focus on increasing personal integration, intimacy, and integrity with "how to" derived from studies of people changing in the context of psychotherapy and life growth experiences after stressor events.

Order A Course in Happiness now at Barnes & Noble
Treatment of Stress Response Syndromes  

Treatment of Stress Response Syndromes is the newest work from Mardi J. Horowitz, M.D., the clinical researcher largely responsible for modern concepts of posttraumatic stress disorder (PSTD). In this book, Dr. Horowitz reveals the latest strategies for treating PTSD and expands the coverage to include several related diagnoses. Clinicians who work with patients experiencing the effects of loss, trauma, and terror, will find this handbook to be of great practical value. Readers will learn how to:

* Diagnose, formulate, and treat stress response syndromes
* Do a step-by-step formulation, emphasizing strengths as well as problems
* Use a treatment approach that shifts as the patient changes

The author guides the reader through a unique approach to treatment. Rather than organizing the book by individual diagnoses, he integrates essential explanatory principles and techniques—psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, and pharmacological—into a singular approach to apply to the range of diagnostic entities.

American Psychiatric Press