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1. Second Opinion Consultation Group on Ongoing Psychotherapies. This unit is directed by Professors Horowitz and Jacobs as a faculty practice at UCSF and includes three other senior faculty. The Second Opinion group requires therapist referral since the opinions are sent to therapists for discussion with their patients as they believe is best. Call 415 476 7510 for more information, or consult the UCSF Department of Psychiatry website.
2. Psychoanalysis. Dr. Horowitz uses a contemporary integrative approach which does not require the usual four times a week multiple year commitment but does require a high functioning level of prospective clients.
3. Cognitive-Dynamic Case Formulation. This is a consultation that patients may request who are not in psychotherapy treatment but who contemplate it or leadership, self-development alternatives. It is also available to patients who have completed a psychotherapy or psychoanalysis and want help in clarification on further life developmental possibilities. The Second Opinion group mentioned above requires therapist referral since the opinions are sent to therapists for discussion with their patients as they believe is best.
4. Forensic Consultation and Expert Opinions in the areas of stress, grief, trauma, and personality disorder. Fax 415 476 7320 or call 415 476 7510 for more information.
5. Lectures and Workshops. Consult the blog or call 415 476 7510 for more information
6. Editorial Opinions on books and scientific papers.