Papers Published Since 1990

Papers Published Since 1990 (see end of refs for those before 1990)

1. Horowitz, M.J. Post traumatic stress disorders: psychosocial aspects of the diagnosis. International Journal of Mental Health. 19:21-36, 1990.

2. Horowitz, M.J. A model of mourning: change in schemas of self and other. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association. 38(2):297-324, 1990.

3. Horowitz, M.J., Markman, H.C., Stinson, C.H., Ghannam, J.H., and Fridhandler, B. A classification theory of defense. In Singer, J. (ed.), Repression and Dissociation: Implications for Personality Theory, Psychopathology and Health. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990.

4. Horowitz, M.J. Stress, states and person schemas: a commentary on Lazarus' "Theory-based stress measurement." Psychological Inquiry. 1(1): 25-26, 1990.

5. Tunis, S., Fridhandler, B., and Horowitz, M. Identifying schematized views of self with significant others: convergence of quantitative and clinical methods. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 59(6):1279-1286, 1990.

6. Horowitz, M.J. Psychotherapy of post traumatic stress disorder. In Bellack, A.S., and Hersen, M. (eds.), Handbook of Comparative Treatments for Adult Disorders. New York: Wiley, 1990.

7. Horowitz, M.J. Person schemas. In Horowitz, M.J. (ed.), Person Schemas and Maladaptive Interpersonal Patterns. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991.

8. Horowitz, M.J. Introduction to the two cases. In Horowitz, M.J. (ed.), Person Schemas and Maladaptive Interpersonal Patterns. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991.

9. Horowitz, M.J., Merluzzi, T.V., Ewert, M., Ghannam, J.H., Hartley, D., and Stinson, C. Role-relationship models configuration. In Horowitz, M.J. (ed.), Person Schemas and Maladaptive Interpersonal Patterns. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991.

10. Horowitz, M.J., Luborsky, L., & Popp, C. A Comparison of the Role-Relationship Models Configuration and the Core Conflictual Relationship Theme. In Horowitz, M.J. (ed.), Person Schemas and Maladaptive Interpersonal Patterns. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991.

11. Horowitz, M.J. Converging several methods for inferring person schemas. In Horowitz, M.J. (ed.), Person Schemas and Maladaptive Interpersonal Patterns. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991.

12. Horowitz, M.J. Emotionality and schematic control processes. In Horowitz, M.J. (ed.), Person Schemas and Maladaptive Interpersonal Patterns. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991.

13. Horowitz, M.J. The wonder of self-reflective conscious awareness: a review of "The Unconscious and the Theory of Psychoneuroses" by Zvi Giora. Contemporary Psychology. 36(7):623-624, 1991.

14. Horowitz, M.J. and Stinson, C.H. University of California at San Francisco, Center for the Study of Neuroses, Program on Conscious and Unconscious Mental Processes. In L.E. Beutler and M. Crago (eds.) Psychotherapy Research: An International Review of Programmatic Studies. Washington: American Psychological Association, pp. 107-114, 1991.

15. Horowitz, M.J. States, schemas, and control: general theories for psychotherapy integration. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration. 1:2, pp. 85-102, 1991.

16. Horowitz, M.J., Stinson, C., and Field, N. Natural Disasters and Stress Response Syndromes. Psychiatric Annals. 21(9):556-562, 1991.

17. Horowitz, M.J. Short-term dynamic therapy of stress response syndromes. In Christoph, P. and Barber, J.P. (eds.), Handbook of Short-Term Psychotherapy, New York: Basic Books, 1991.

18. Horowitz, M.J., Fridhandler, B., and Stinson, C. Person schemas and emotion. Journal of the American Psychiatric Association. 39 (Suppl: "Affect: Psychoanalytic Perspectives"): 173-208. 1991.

19. Horowitz, M.J. Core traits of Hysterical or Histrionic Personality Disorders. In Horowitz, M. (ed.) Hysterical Personality Style and the Histrionic Personality Disorder, pp. 1-14. Northvale, N.J.: Aronson. 1991.

20. Horowitz, M.J. Psychic structure and the process of change. In Horowitz, M. (ed.) Hysterical Personality Style and the Histrionic Personality Disorder, pp. 193-261. Northvale, N.J.: Aronson. 1991.

21. Horowitz, M.J. Conscious representation. Consciousness and Cognition. 1:12-15, 1992.

22. Horowitz, M.J. Stress Response Syndromes: A Review of Post Traumatic and Adjustment Disorders. In Wilson, J. and Raphael, B. (eds.) International Handbook of Traumatic Stress Syndromes. New York: Plenum Press. 1992.

23. Horowitz, M.J. Microanalysis of working through in psychotherapy (first appeared in Am J Psychiatry 131[11]:1208-1212, 1974). In J. Siegfried (Ed.), Therapeutic and everyday discourse as behavior change: Towards a microanalysis in psychotherapy process research. Norwood, N.J.: Ablex Publishing, 1992.

24. Horowitz, M.J. The Langley Porter projects. In Freedheim, D.K. (Ed.), History of Psychotherapy: A Century of Change. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association. pp. 422-426. 1992.

25. Horowitz, M.J. and Reidbord, S. Memory, Emotion and Response to Trauma. In Christianson, S.A. (ed.) The Handbook of Emotion and Memory, Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 343-357. 1992.

26. Horowitz, M.J. Effects of Psychic Trauma on Mind: Structure and Processing of Meaning. In Barron, J.W., Eagle, M.N., and Wolitsky, D.L.(eds.), Interface of Psychoanalysis and Psychology. Washington, D.C.: APA. 1992.

27. Eells, T.D., Horowitz, M.J. Methods for inferring self- schematization. Psychoanalytic Inquiry. 3:32-34. 1992.

28. Horowitz, M.J., Cooper, S., Fridhandler, B., Perry, J.C., Bond, M., and Vaillant, G. Control processes and defense mechanisms. Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research. 1(4):324-336, 1992.

29. Horowitz, M.J. Formulation of states of mind in psychotherapy. In Hamilton, N.G. (ed.), From Inner Resources: New Directions in Object Relations Psychotherapy, Northvale, N.J. Jason Aronson. pp. 75-83. 1992.

30. Horowitz, M.J., Fridhandler, B.F., and Stinson, C.H. Person schemas and emotion. In Shapiro, T., and Emde, R.N., (eds.), Psychoanalytic Perspectives, pp. 173-208. New York: International Universities Press, 1992.

31. Horowitz, M.J. Depression after the death of a spouse. Am J Psychiatry. 149(4):579-80, 1992, April.

32. Horowitz, M.J. The Effects of Psychic Trauma on Mind: Structure and Processing of Meaning. pp. 489-500 in J. Barron, N. Eagle, D. Wolitski. Interface of Psychoanalysis and Psychology. Washington D.C.: American Psychological Association, 1992.

33. Horowitz, M.J., and Eells, T.D. Case formulations using role-relationship model configurations: A reliability study. Psychotherapy Research. 3:57-68, 1993.

34. Eells, T.D., Horowitz, M.J., Stinson, C.H., and Fridhandler, B. Self-representation in anxious states of mind: A comparison of psychodynamic models. In Segal, S.V.and Blatt, S.J. (eds.) Self-Representation and Emotional Disorder: Cognitive and Psychodynamic Perspectives. New York: Guilford Press. 1993.

35. Eells, T.D., Fridhandler, B., Stinson, C.H., Horowitz, M.J. Commentary on "Self-representation in post-traumatic stress disorder: a cognitive perspective" by Richard J. McNally. In S.V. Segal and S.J. Blatt (eds.) Self-Representation and Emotional Disorder: Cognitive and Psychodynamic Perspectives. New York: Guilford Press. 1993.

36. Horowitz, M.J., Field, N., and Classen, C. Stress Response Syndromes and Their Treatment. In Goldberger, L., and Breznitz, S. (eds.), Handbook of Stress: Theoretical and Clinical Aspects, Second Edition, pp. 757-773. New York: Free Press, 1993.

37. Horowitz, M.J., Bonanno, G.A., and Holen, A. Pathological grief: Diagnosis and explanation. Psychosomatic Medicine. 55(3)260- 273, 1993.

38. Horowitz, M.J., Milbrath, C., Reidbord, S., and Stinson, C.H. Elaboration and dyselaboration: Measures of expression and defense in discourse. Psychotherapy Research. 3:278-293, 1993.

39. Horowitz, M.J. Personality structure and the process of change during psychoanalysis. In Horowitz, M., Kernberg, O., and Weinschel, E. (eds.) Psychic Structure and Psychic Change, pp. 1-28. New York: International University Press. 1993.

40. Horowitz, M.J., Stinson, C.H., Fridhandler, B., Ewert, M., Milbrath, C., and Redington, D. Pathological grief: An intensive case study. Psychiatry. 56:356-374, 1993.

41. Stinson, C.H., and Horowitz, M.J. Psyclops: An exploratory graphical system for clinical research and education. Psychiatry. 56(4):375-389, 1993, Nov.

42. Horowitz, M.J., Stinson, C., Curtis, D., Ewert, M., Redington, D., Singer, J., Bucci, W., Mergenthaler, E., Milbrath, C. Topics and signs: Defensive control of emotional expression. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 61:421-430, 1993, June.

43. Horowitz, M.J., and Becker, T.C. The difference between termination in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association. 41(3):765-773, 1993.

44. Horowitz, M.J. Defensive control of states and person schemas. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association. 41:67-89, 1993.

45. Horowitz, M.J. States, schemas, and control: general theories of psychotherapy integration. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. 1:143-152, 1994.

46. Horowitz, M.J. Configurational analysis and the use of Role-relationship models to understand transference. Psychotherapy Research. 3(3&4):184-196, 1994.

47. Horowitz, M.J., Milbrath, C., Jordan, D.S., Stinson, C.H., Ewert, M., Redington, D.J., Fridhandler, B., Reidbord, S.P., and Hartley, D. Expressive and defensive behavior during discourse on unresolved topics: A single case study of pathological grief. Journal of Personality. 62(4):527-563, 1994, Dec.

48. Horowitz, M.J. Psychotherapy research and the views of clinicians. In Tally, D., Strupp, H., and Butler, S. (Eds.), Psychotherapy Research and Practice. New York: Basic Books, pp. 196-205. 1994.

49. Horowitz, M.J., and Stinson, C. Stress response syndromes: Personality features related to neurotic responses to events. Current Opinion in Psychiatry.7:144-149, 1994.

50. Horowitz, M.J., Milbrath, C., Ewert, M., Sonneborn, D., and Stinson, C.H. Cyclical Patterns of States of Mind in Psychotherapy. American Journal of Psychiatry. 151(12):1767-1770, 1994, Dec..

51. Mergenthaler, E.M., and Horowitz, M.J. Linking Computer Aided Text Analysis with Variables Scored from Video Tape. In Faulbaum, F.(ed.) Advances in Statistical Software. New York: Gustav Fischer, pp. 385-393. 1994.

52. Horowitz, M.J. Psychotherapy integration: Implications for research standards. Psychotherapy & Rehabilitation Research Bulletin. 1(3):8-9, 1994.

53. Horowitz, M.J. Does Repression Exist? Yes. The Harvard Mental Health Letter. 11(1): 4-5, 1994.

54. Horowitz, M.J., and Stinson, C.H. Defenses as aspects of person schemas and control processes. In Conte, H., and Plutchik, R. (eds). Ego Defenses: Theory and Measurement, pp. 79-97. 1994.

55. Horowitz, M.J. Cognition, psychodynamics, and control of experience. In Kessel, F. (ed.) Psychology, Science, and Human Affairs: Essays in Honor of William Bevan. Westview Press, pp. 138-150, 1995.

56. Stinson, C., Milbrath, C., and Horowitz, M. Dysfluency and topic orientation in bereaved individuals: Bridging individual and group studies. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology.63(1):37-45, 1995.

57. Eells, T.D., Horowitz, M.J., Singer, J., Salovey, P., Daigle, D., and Turvey, C. The Role Relationship Models Method: A Comparison of Independently Derived Case Formulations. Psychotherapy Research. 5:161-175, 1995, Feb.

58. Horowitz, M.J., Stinson, C.H. Consciousness and Processes of Control. Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research. 4:123-139, 1995.

59. Horowitz, M.J., Znoj, H., Stinson, C. Defensive control processes: Use of theory in research, formulation, and therapy of stress response syndromes. In Zeidner, M., and Endler, N. (eds.), Handbook of Coping, pp. 532-553. New York: Wiley and Sons, 1996.

60. Horowitz, M.J., and Kaltreider, N.B. Brief Therapy of the Stress Response Syndrome. In Everly, G.S., and Lating, J.M. (eds.) Psychotraumatology, pp. 231-244. New York: Plenum, 1995.

61. Milbrath, C., Bauknight, R., Horowitz, M.J., Amaro, R., and Sugahara, C. Sequential analysis of topics in psychotherapy discourse: A single case study. Psychotherapy Research. 5(3):199-217, 1995.

62. Horowitz, M.J., Eells, T., Singer, J., and Salovey, P. Role Relationship Models for Case Formulation. Archives of General Psychiatry. 53:627-632, 1995, August. (featured paper with 8 commentaries).

63. Horowitz, M.J., Eells, T., Singer, J., and Salovey, P. Role Relationship Models: A Summation (response to eight separate journal invited commentaries on Role Relationship Model Configurations paper), Archives of General Psychiatry 53:633-654, 1995.

64. Hart, D., Stinson, C., Field, N., Ewert, M., and Horowitz, M. A Semantic Space Approach to Representations of Self and Other in Pathological Grief: A Case Study. Psychological Science. 6(2):96-100, 1995.

65. Eells, T., Fridhandler, B., Horowitz, M. Self Schemas and Spousal Bereavement: Comparing Quantitative and Clinical Evidence. Psychotherapy. 32:270-282, 1995.

66. Horowitz, M.J., Milbrath, C., and Stinson, C. Signs of Defensive Control Locate Conflicted Topics in Discourse. Archives of General Psychiatry. 52:1040-1057, 1995, Dec.

67. Horowitz, M.J. Histrionic Personality Disorder. In Gabbard, G. (ed.), Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders, 2nd edition, pp. 2311-2326. Washington DC: American Psychiatric Press Inc., 1995.

68. Bonanno, G.A., Keltner, D., Holen, A., and Horowitz, M.J. When Avoiding Unpleasant Emotions Might Not be Such a Bad Thing. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 69(5):975-990, 1995, Nov.

69. Horowitz, M.J. La struttura della personalita e il processo di cambiamento durante la psicoanalisi. Psicoterapia. 1(2):5-28, 1995.

70. Horowitz, M.J., Sonneborn, D., Sugahara, C., and Maercker, A. Self regard: A new measure. American Journal of Psychiatry. 153:382-385, 1996 (featured article).

71. Horowitz, M.J., Stinson, C.H., and Milbrath, C. Role Relationship Models: A Person Schematic Method for Inferring Beliefs About Identity and Social Action. In Colby, A., Jessor, R., and Shweder, R. (eds.), Ethnography and Human Development. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996.

72. Horowitz, M.J., Ewert, M., & Milbrath, C.M. States of Emotional Control During Psychotherapy. J. Psychotherapy Research and Practice. 5:20-25, 1996.

73. Horowitz, M.J. Psychotherapy for histrionic personality disorder (special article with two editorial commentaries). J. Psychotherapy Practice and Research. 6(2):93-107, 1997, Spring.

74. Horowitz, M.J. Cognitive psychodynamics: The clinical use of states, person schemas, and defensive control process theory. In Stein, D. (ed.) Cognitive Science and the Unconscious. Washington D.C.: American Psychiatric Press, Inc., 1997.

75. Horowitz, M.J., Milbrath, C., and Stinson, C.S. Assessing personality disorders. In Beutler, L., Horowitz, L., and Strupp, H. (eds.) Measuring Change After Treatment for Mood, Anxiety, and Personality Disorders. Washington, D.C.: American Psychoanalytic Association Press, pp. 401-432, 1997.

76. Horowitz, M.J. Configurational analysis for case formulation. Psychiatry. 60:111-119, 1997.

77. Horowitz, M.J., Siegel, B., Holen, A., Bonanno, G., Milbrath, C., Stinson, C. Diagnostic criteria for complicated grief disorders. American Journal of Psychiatry. 154(7) 904-911, 1997, July. (cover article).

78. Horowitz, M.J., Eells, T. Configurational analysis: States of mind, person schemas and the control of ideas and affect. In Eels, T. (ed.) Handbook of Psychotherapy Case Formulation, New York: Guilford Publ., pp. 166-197, 1997.

79. Field, N.P., Hart, D., and Horowitz, M.J. The content of self-other concepts: A network perspective. Imagination, Cognition and Personality. 16:357-378, 1997.

80. Horowitz, M.J. Personlichkeitsstile und belastungsfolgen. Integrative psychodynamisch-kognitive psychotherapy. In A. Maercker (ed.) Therapie der posttraumatischen belassungs-storungen. Heidelberg: Springer, 1997.

81. Horowitz, M. Organizational Levels of Self and Other Schematization, in Westenberg, P.M., Rogers, A.G., Cohn, L.D., and Blasi, A. (eds.) Personality Development. pp. 79-313, New York: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1997.

82. Stormark, K.M., Field, N.P., Hugdahl, K., and Horowitz, M. Selective processing of visual alcoholic cues in abstinent alcoholics: An approach avoidance conflict? Addictive Behaviors. 22:509-519, 1997.

83. Horowitz, M. J. Stress response syndromes: Post-traumatic and adjustment disorders. Chapter 41, in Michels, R. et al. (Ed.), Psychiatry. NY: Lippincott-Raven, 13 pp., 1998.

84. Adler, N., Horowitz, M., Weinstein, N., Moyer, A.: Further validation of a scale to assess positive states of mind. Psychosomatic Med. 1998.

85. Horowitz, M.J., Milbrath, C., Bonanno, G., Field, N., Stinson, C., Holen A. Predictors of complicated grief. J. Personal and Interpers. Loss. 3:257-270, 1998.

86. Maercker, A., Bonanno, G., Horowitz, M., Znoj, H. Prediction of complicated grief by positive and negative themes in narratives. J. Clin. Psychology. 54: 1117-1136, 1998.

87. Horowitz, M.J. Personality disorder diagnoses. Am J Psychiatry. 155(10):1464, 1998, Oct.

88. Field, N.P., Horowitz, M.J. Applying an empty-chair monologue paradigm to examine unresolved grief. Psychiatry. 61(4):279-87, 1998, Winter.

89. Perry, J., Hoglend, P., Shear, K., Vaillant, G., Horowitz, M., Kandos, M., Bille, H., Kagan, D.: Field trial of a diagnostic axis for defense mechanisms for DSM-IV. J. Personality Disorders. 12:56-68, 1998

90. Fridhandler, B., Ellis, T.D., Horowitz, M.J.: Psychoanalytic explanation of pathological grief: Scientific observation of a single case. Psychoanalytic Psychology. 16: 34-57, 1999.

91. Horowitz, M. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Dynamic Psychotherapy, in M.Hersen and A.S. Bellak Handbook of Comparative Interventions for Adult Disorders 2nd edition. NY: Wiley & Sons, 1999.

92. Bonanno, G.A., Notarius, C.I., Gunyerath, L., Keltner, O., Horowitz, M.: Interpersonal ambivalence, perceived dyadic adjustment, and conjugal loss. J. Consult.and Clin. Psychol. 66:1012-1021, 1999.

93. Horowitz, M.J. Formulation to plan psychotherapy, in D. Spiegel (ed.) Psychotherapeutic Frontiers: New Principles and Practices, American Psychiatric Press, Inc., 1999.

94. Horowitz, M. Modes of conscious representation and their exploration through psychotherapy, in P. Salovey and Jeffrey Singer (eds.) At Play in the Fields of Consciousness: Essays in Honor of Jerome Singer. New York: Erlbaum, 1999.

95. Bonanno, G., Znoj, H., Siddique, A., Horowitz, M. Verbal autonomic dissociation and adaptation to midlife conjugal loss: A follow up at 25 months. Cognitive Ther. and Research. 23(6):605-624, 1999.

96. Milbrath, C., Bond, M., Cooper, S., Znoj, H., Hans J., Horowitz, M. J., Perry, J. C. Sequential Consequences of Therapists' Interventions. J. Psychother. Pract. Res. 8: 40-54, 1999.

97. Horowitz, M., Znoj, H. Emotional Control Theory: A revision of the concept of defense. Psychotherapy Practice and Research. 8:213-224, 1999.

98. Field, N.P., Nichols C., Holen A., Horowitz, M.J. The relation of continuing attachment to adjustment in conjugal bereavement. J Consult Clin Psychol. 67(2):212-8., 1999 Apr.

99. Horowitz, M. Brief cognitive-dynamic theory of stress response syndromes, in C. Snyder and R. Ingram, (eds.) Handbook of Psychological Change. NY: Wiley, 2000.

100. Donnelly, E., Field, N., Horowitz, M. Expectancy of spousal death and adjustment to conjugal bereavement. Omega. 42:195-208, 2000-2001

101. Horowitz, M. Configurational analysis of the self: a state of mind approach, in Muran, J.C., (ed.) Self-Relations in the Psychotherapy Process. Washington D.C.: APA Books, 67-81, 2001.

102. Horowitz, M. “Making the Case for Psychoanalytic Therapies in the Current Psychiatric Environment”: Comment. JAPA. 47(3):710-716, 1999.

103. Horowitz, M. Sundin, E., Lauer, R, Zanko, A. Coping with grim news from genetic tests. Psychosomatic Medicine, 42:2, 1-6, March-April 2001 (special article).

104. Field, N.P., Sturgeon S.E., Puryear, R., Hibbard, S., Horowitz, M.J. Object relations as a predictor of adjustment in conjugal bereavement. Dev Psychopathol. 13(2):399-412, 2001 Spring.

105. Horowitz, M. Self observation and subjective self-experiences, in Muran, J.C., editor. Self Relations in the Psychotherapy Process. Washington D.C. APA Books, 2001.

106. Horowitz, M., Field, N., Donnelly, E., Epstein, C., Longo, F. Psychologische Wirkung der Bekanntgabe des genetischen Risikis fur Choread Huntington. Editors; A. Maercker, U. Ehlert. Jahrbuch der medizinischen Psychologie: Psychotraumatologie. Hogrefe, Gottingen, Germany, 2001.

107. Horowitz, M., Field, N., Donnelly, E., Epstein, C., Longo, F. Psychological impact of news of genetic risk for Huntington Disease. Amer. J. Medical Genetics. 103, 188-192:2001 (lead article)

108. Sundrin, E., Horowitz, M. Horowitz' Impact of Event Scale: Psychometric Properties. Brit. J. Psychiatry. 180(3):205-209, 2002 March.

109. Horowitz, M. Configurational analysis, in M. Hersen and W. Sledge Encyclopedia of Psychotherapy. New York: Academic Press, Vol. 1, 511-515, 2002.

110. Horowitz, M. Self and Relational Observation. J. Psychotherapy Integration. Vol. 12, No. 2, 115-127, 2002.

111. Horowitz, M. Defining Character Integrity. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, (JAPA), 50:551-573, 2002.

112. Horowitz, M. Schemi-persona e modalita di relazione disfunztionale. Psicaterapia, 2003.

113. Sundin, E., Horowitz, M. Horowitz’ Impact of Event Scale: I. An Evaluation of 20 years of usage. Psychosomatic Medicine 65:870-876, 2003.

114. Blake-Mortimer, J., Field, N., Koopman, C., Classen, C., Horowitz, M., Spiegel, D. Perceptions of family relationships associated with husband’s ambivalence and dependency in anticipating losing his wife with metastatic/ recurrent breast cancer. J. Loss and Trauma. 8:139-147, 2003.

115. Horowitz, M. Persönlichkeitsstile und Belastungsfolgen. 107-128 in A. Maercker, (ed.). Therapie der posttraumatischen Belastingsstörugen. Berlin: Springer, 2003.

116. Ullrich, P.M., Lutgendorf, S.K., Stapleton, J.T., Horowitz, M. Self regard and concealment of homosexuality as predictors of CD4+ cell count over time among HIV seropositive Gay men. Psychology & Health 19(2):183-196, 2004, April.

117. Baccus, J. R., Horowitz, M. J. Role-Relationship models: Addressing maladaptive interpersonal patterns and emotional distress. In Baldwin, M., (ed.) Interpersonal Cognition. New York: Guilford, 2004.

118.[ on CV #280} Horowitz, M. J.H. A life in but not under stress, in C. Figley, (ed.) Mapping Trauma and Its Wake: Autobiographic Essays by Pioneer Trauma Scholars. New York and London: Burner-Ruttledge, 2005.